Motor Imagery Movements Classification with LSTM
Paper • 2018

Motor Imagery Movements Classification with LSTM


We developed a novel neural network architecture combining CNN and LSTM in parallel for motor imagery brain-computer interface (MI-BCI) classification. Our approach achieved 87.68% accuracy and significantly outperformed existing methods by integrating spatial, temporal, and middle-layer features in a unified framework.

Technical Details

We designed and implemented a Feature Fusion CNN-LSTM (FFCL) architecture that processes EEG signals through parallel CNN and LSTM networks. The CNN component consists of an input layer, 1-D convolutional layer, separable convolutional layer, and two flatten layers, while the LSTM component includes an input layer, LSTM layer with 50 hidden units, and flatten layer.

For optimization, we incorporated:

  • ReLU activation and batch normalization in CNN
  • Tanh activation in LSTM
  • Dropout layers (p=0.5) for regularization
  • ADAM optimizer with learning rate 0.001
  • Cross-entropy loss function


We utilized the BCI Competition IV dataset 2a containing four-class motor imagery data (left hand, right hand, feet, and tongue) from nine subjects. The dataset included EEG signals from 22 channels sampled at 250 Hz. Key implementation aspects:

  • Preprocessed EEG signals using 8-32 Hz bandpass filtering
  • Implemented sliding window technique (3s width, 0.25s interval)
  • Expanded dataset 6x through overlapping windows
  • Trained on 5:2:3 split for training, validation and testing
  • Developed on Python/TensorFlow with NVIDIA GPU acceleration

Key Achievements

  • Achieved 87.68% average classification accuracy across subjects
  • Improved performance by 19.35% compared to EEGNet baseline
  • Obtained Kappa value of 0.8245, showing excellent reliability
  • Demonstrated superior performance in noisy conditions
  • Successfully integrated spatial, temporal and middle-layer features
  • Validated results through confusion matrices and statistical tests


Our research advances brain-computer interface technology by introducing a novel parallel architecture that effectively combines different types of neural features. The improved classification accuracy and robustness to noise make this approach particularly promising for real-world BCI applications. Our work provides new directions for EEG signal processing and neural engineering research.

Future Directions

We plan to expand this research by:

  • Designing custom data collection experiments
  • Applying the algorithm to other experimental paradigms
  • Conducting online real-time experiments
  • Exploring applications in assistive technologies
  • Investigating transfer learning approaches

Technologies Used

Deep LearningLSTMPythonTensorFlowSignal Processing